Oh! And now that I thought of it, no logging into the bank account every day. That will be good for us. Let him do it. Let me chill out.
I believe this will be good for me. I've felt like I've been drowning the past four months; like my life is falling apart around me. In the face of this, I've been avoiding as many commitments as I can, I've not been taking care of my house, and I've been vegging a lot. I would like to take more time to interact with my husband instead of us both doing separate things. I would like to read more, do more dishes, go to a friend's house more often. I just need to restructure my free time a little bit to still be free, but not so across-the-board useless. I often go online first thing in the morning and, before I know it, it's time to leave the house and I haven't eaten, read my Bible, or really done anything. No more!!
My prayer is that God will show me what can and should be pruned. That I'll get a clearer focus on what is important and when, after Easter, I let myself back on the webs, it will be in moderation and with a purpose being wasting time.