It seems that a number of people happen upon my blog when looking for a godly response to insomnia. These are verses that I found years ago, when I was barely sleeping. It was actually when I started this blog, and I'm surprised that I didn't post these back then.
Psalm 3:5 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.
Psalms 4:8 I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Psalms 127:2 In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat, for he grants sleep to those he loves.
Proverbs 3:23 [If you preserve sound judgment & discernment] ...when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trust in you.
2 Corinthians 6:4-6 Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love;
Romans 8:6 The mind controlled by the sinful nature is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.
I'm currently in a period of messed-up sleep, but I know that it's not the end of the world. Of course, I don't have kids or work to worry about. But pray these verses, and look up other ones about resting in God. It's going to be okay. Maybe some of the things we think are urgent and important aren't that high on God's priority list for us.
Thanks for posting these verses. I've found comfort in reading them. I hope by now your rest has been peaceful.
this has been really helpful. thank you. and God bless.
Thank you for spending time to find these verses for others really means alot to me because i havent slept well in a long time. Thank you.
hi this is jessica w
thanks for taking the time to find those verses means alot to me and im sure all who are on here! i must have my days and nights mixed wayyy up cuz i havnt been to bed by 12am in too long and then when its bedtime again im not tired i mean from a medical standpoint being an RN i have to take two to three advil pm nightly and if that dosnt work i take 2 unisom sleep tablets and if that dosnt work then forget it lol and i know the acetominephan in advil is bad for my liver but some if not all nights i go to bed in pain so cant win for loosing. wen i dont have pain the i just take 3 or so unisom sleep aides but yeah im praying for yall and would ask if yall would pray for me on this issue! thx and god bless yall
I'll definitely be praying for you, Jessica.
Wow, thank you for these!!! I used to struggle a lot with insomnia- we're talking 2 hours of sleep a night, for 2.5 years. It's great to have a reminder of these verses for when I'm dealing with it on occasion again now!
Thanks for posting. They are comforting to read. Hope you are sleeping.
Thanks for posting these verses. God bless you!
thank you so much just what i needed i've been having trouble sleeping for about two years now.Prayer always helps and these verses do well.
I use this every time I can't sleep and every time it works thank you so much for sharing this!
Thank you so much for posting this! 11 days ago I lost my mom to Breast Cancer and I have been having trouble sleeping for fear of dreaming about her. She got saved 5 months before her Homegoing, so I am pleased that I WILL see her again, but am afraid to go to sleep, it't the dreams of her being outside or me trying to find her only to wake up and remember she is now with the Lord Jesus in Heaven. It's heart-wrenching. Anyway, thank you and God bless you abundantly. Please feel free to stop by MY
Thank you and Good night(God Bless you!) :)
Hi there my name is.Johnny, I appreciate the posting and feel everybody s pain on not sleeping. Ive taken everything known to mankind but nothing seems to work, because of this im always in a bad mood around those I love and.can't even do my job right. My job is very stressful which.causes this. I've prayed and asked.for Gods guidance.but i'm still unable to sleep. Please put me in your prayers and God.bless you all.
Thank you for posting these verses.please pray 4 me my insomnia has lasted 5 long yrs to the point of no sleep for 2 mos straight & addiction to sleeping pills that I no longer can no longer obtain
Please kindly pray for me i have insomia for 3 months here in saudi nd im christian im loosing hope cause i cnnot work properly
Johnny, I will pray for you. My dad is this way and it has been very hurtful to our family. I do not tell you this to give you guilt but to give you affirmation that you are now doing the right thing by asking for God's words and His help in your sleeplessness and in your dealings with your family who you love. May God bless and heal you.
Praying for you Johnny.
I have been sleepless for almost two months now and wake up in panick attacks, usually hearing thing or certain something is waking into my room. I hear foot steps and it scares me I grab my bible a lot and start reading and it helps me but this is getting real old I woke up with a major nOse bleed the other morning And felt something pressing my back. It's very scary and sometimes I don't want to fall back asleep
Thanks for these.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Before you sleep please seal yourself and your room with the blood of Jesus simply by calling his blood over you in faith.
call upon God's angels to protect you while you lie down (remember angels are ministering spirits to heirs of salvation). And that oppressing spirit that's haunting you, please read Psalm 35;1-3..remember that Christ has given us authority to trample over wicked spirits (fierce lions and snakes and scorpions and they will not harm us Luke 10:19)
hey thanks for these verses i have had similar the same thing cant sleep having nightmares all the time asking god why i accepted jesus as my lord and saviour and it just hurts me because he promised his children swet restful sleep and i dont get that i dont know what im doing wrong but its hurtful please pray for me everyone thanks and godbless
Thanks for the verses, I am struggling with Insomia at the moment and I will use the verses you have given to Trust the Lord Jesus for a normal sleep again
Please read a book called "effortless sleep method". Its on amazon. I am Christian and God lead me to this book and it has helped tremendously!! God bless!
God is good!!! Prayed for you all!!!! Love you !
thank you for posting it help me alot. just keep on praying keep the faith. God is good all the time.
I have not slept well in years. I am crying out to God for answers. I do have childern one being a special needs child and it has taking a toll on me physically. Thank you for scriptures.
please pray for me i have not sleat well in years i have to lie in bed 8-9 hrs to get 2 hrs sleep i just got saved last week tying to learn to pray any adive
For panic attacks I recite 2 Timothy 1:7 several times til it lifts. I used to have them go on for hours. For things that go bump in the night check out the prayers on Those really helped settle my nights down. Bethel church in redding CA also has a very effective deliverance team. Thank you Jesus. God bless...
Hi Please know that God is concerned about everything that concerns us. It is up to us to believe and act accordingly . I was having sleep issues also, for lost two months. I did some investigating and found out that the new LED light bulbs that I had purchased in my work and living space were the culprit.I did not come upon that conclusion my self I had to pray and ask God to reveal the pathway to my deliverance from insominia and He did. I am praising Him all the day for this. Whew! What a relief!
Try it, it works .
Prazz N' Him
Thank you. I needed those verses tonight. God bless you.
Thank you for this. I haven't had a good night's sleep in years. I just pray that I can overcome the belief that I can't sleep, by meditating on these scriptures.
Thanks, for it is comforting to know im not alone tho so many times i feel that way.
Hi Anonymous, I dont know who you are, but I am praying for you. God bless x
I will use these to pray over my husband who has a hard time sleeping. Thank you and God bless
I have been struggling with insomnia since December of 2012 where i don't & can't sleep for weeks & weeks & months & months @ a time, I've had sleep test that show/prove that i sleep for 5 1/2 minutes, I've taken everything in the natural from melatonin to all kinds of medicines such as Ambien & harder sleep meds to sleep apnea masks but nothing works/nothing helps. I have been prayed over & prayed for numerous times but my physical & mental healing has not come into the natural manifestation where it becomes a testimony. Not sleeping makes me feel psychotic & paranoid.
I have been struggling with insomnia since December of 2012 where i don't & can't sleep for weeks & weeks & months & months @ a time, I've had sleep test that show/prove that i sleep for 5 1/2 minutes, I've taken everything in the natural from melatonin to all kinds of medicines such as Ambien & harder sleep meds to sleep apnea masks but nothing works/nothing helps. I have been prayed over & prayed for numerous times but my physical & mental healing has not come into the natural manifestation where it becomes a testimony. Not sleeping makes me feel psychotic & paranoid.
That sounds really awful. I'm sorry. I'm praying for you to have peace and the doctors to find an answer for you.
Please pray that I sleep at night. Been having sleeping problems for about 3 months now and I hate it. I have a child to take care of. I'm tired of feeling this way
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